Stupid Faith

Powerful and beautiful.

Jordan & Cady Lewis






Friends, family, and even new family members we have yet to meet:


Thank you for your prayers. Your overwhelmingly loving response to our post has truly touched our hearts and primed our faith even more. To those of you whom we’ve yet to meet, thank you for the prayers and fasting- it already feels like you are family! Family in spirit is very true to say. Thank you all for the arms of love and support. Jordan and I have felt your prayers (many I have felt in the middle of long nights, during horrific doctor’s appointments, and as soon as I wake up.) Thank you. 

Jordan and I went to countless amounts of doctor’s appointments last week. An average of 5 a day. Over and and over again being reminded of the severity of my husband’s condition, and how his vision and even…

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Dangerous World

Recently, I was messing around on YouTube, and I stumbled across this short BBC documentary.

It’s interesting, because my life is very similar to Rahda’s life. We were raised in the Western world, and had only experienced our parents’ homelands as tourists there to visit family. We rarely experienced the daily ups and downs of living in our respective motherlands.

This video is worth your hour, so if you can spare the time, please do. Sexual violence, especially against women, is a problem across the developing world, and also in the “developed” world.

And I would encourage those of us that are second or third generation Westerners, endeavor to understand your parents’ and grandparents’ home. If you’re like me and Radha, you still have family there. There are people suffering, and you may be able to help.

Finally, I don’t want to just focus on the bad. I have recently been connecting to Nigeria more, and yes, I have found many ways the nation can improve. But I have also tapped in to many things that bring joy to the my cousins, the country, and now to me.

Nerding Out.

Nerding out.

Nerding out. I’m a Hobbit-loving Sherlocked Trekkie.

Sometimes I can’t contain excitement.

Over the past few months I’ve been in the process of streamlining my social media persona. In the end, I hope to make my online presence as fun, mature, knowledgeable and professional as the person I hope to become in the real world.

I try to use one main profile picture across all medium. I try to make informative, intelligent and creative posts about many subjects. I try to be on my best behavior, and never post out of anger or overexcitment.

But, like I said, sometimes the nerd within me can’t contain her excitement. But with a picture like this one, WHO COULD CONTAIN EXCITEMENT?!?!?!

It’s only human.

I am kind of a Hobbit-loving Sherlocked Trekkie, and I have nothing but love for everything happening in this photo by a Sherlock crew member. I recently saw the new (and awesome!) Star Trek film, and I can’t wait for Sherlock series 3. Waiting has literally been like torture, and this picture is a reminder that all will be well. So I’ve made this my background picture on Facebook and written a post about how unashamed I am.

To thine own self be true, amirite?